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When Khan of Kalat Mir Suleman Dawood Khan convened the Baluch tribal jirga in Kalat in August 2006, he expressed a wish to hear voices other than his own. Here are some of those voices. Please click to play excerpts from recent interviews.

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  Audio: Video, Pictures:
Video: Deprivation in Balochistan: Baloch in 21st Century, youtube.com, Sep 21, 2009
Music: Balochi Gedy Music Man Hama Qadeel by Arif Baloch.
Music: man hama qandeel e paima (sung by Arif Baloch, written by slain Ghulam Mohammad)
Video: Waiting for Light, by Aziz
Sanghur. This doc. depicts the big aspirations of some of Pakistan's littlest and poorest citizens. These children dream big, but they have no electricity in their villages, virtually no healthcare and live in abject poverty.
Imagine if all the billions spent on war had gone instead to give these kids an education. Be sure to read the text in English that accompanies the film at youtube.
Video: Gadani Ship Breaking Yard (youtube) in Balochistan, video report by Aziz Sanghur. (Gadani Beach is the largest ship breaking yard in the world.)

Hidden paradise: Please check out the stunning Chotok waterfall (youtube) in the Moola Valley of Khuzdar district, Balochistan.
Video: Green Turtle by Aziz Sanghur. (Green turtles nest on Baloch and Sindh beaches) (BBC general show on Green Turtles)
'Azadi': Interviews with rank and file activists: Part 1, Part 2, by Abu Mobile, October 2008
Asma Jahangir on BBC HardTalk, Asma Jahangir is the head of the Pakistan Human Rights Commission, Feb 6, 2008
From before: Interview with Ahmed Rashid by Munizae Jahangir from her documentary 'The Baloch Battlefield.'
Photos: from award-winning Asim Rafiqui, see: Letters From a Jilted Lover: Pakistan Winter 2007, collection includes many images from Balochistan (Jiwani, Gwadar, Turbat, Gwadar and more)
Audio: Interview with Ahmed Rashid: on Pakistani politics after Bhutto, NPR, Jan 23, 2008
Video: A discussion on Pakistan and Afghanistan: Ahmed Rashid , Barnett R. Rubin, Nermeen Shaikh, FORA.tv, posted at Intellibriefs, Jan 7, 2008
Video: The Real Risk is Pakistan, brasschecktv.com interview with Dr. Barnett Rubin, Oct 3, 2007
Video: HDNet Dan Rather Reports: The United States is sending billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism, but Pakistan's dictator has found another use for the money. Narrated by Dan Rather, documentary by Willem Marx, Oct 2007
Iran to wall off Baluch, by Kamal Hyder, Al Jazeera.net; report on Baluch Wall, courtesy of you-tube.com, June 11, 2007
New audio: revolutionary song Mani sahey Balochistan (My Life is Balochistan), right click for mp3
Interview with Ahmed Rashid by Munizae Jahangir from her documentary 'The Baloch Battlefield.'
Interview with Ahmed Rashid by Munizae Jahangir from her documentary 'The Baloch Battlefield.'
Photo journal: Life in a tribal Balochi settlement, BBC News In Pictures
Pirco, Baluchistan